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CNA Abbreviations


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CNA Abbreviations

IM - intramuscularly

amb - ambulate

IV - intravenously

AM - morning

o - orally

bid - twice daily

OD - right eye

BM - bowel movements

OS - left eye

B/P - blood pressure

OU - both eyes

BR - bathroom

oz - ounce

c(with line over) - with

po - by mouth

cath - catheter

q - every

cc - cubic centimeter

q2h - every 2 hours

D/C - discontinue or discharge

qs - quanity sufficient

drsg - dressing

stat - at once, immediately

HS - bedtime (hour of sleep)

tid - three times daily

ht - height

s(with line over) - without

H2O - water

SOB - short of breath

H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide

HOB - head of bed

I&O - intake and output

p(with line over) - after

NPO - nothing by mouth

DNV - did not void

NWB - non weight bearing

N/V - nausea/vomiting

OOB - out of bed

B&B - bowel and bladder

O2 - oxygen

w/c - wheelchair

pc - after meals

g/c - gerichair

prn - as necessary

ADL - activities of daily living

PM - afternoon or evening

OT - occupational therapy

pt - patient

NA - nursing assistant

PT - physical therapy

LPN - licensed practical nurse

qd - every day

RN - registered nurse

qh - every hour

qid - every 4 hours

ODS - one day surgery

qod - every other day

a(with line over) - before

gtt - drop

R - rectally

ROM - range of motion

ad lib - as desired

Gm - gram

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